Our Community
I am passionate about our community, having lived here for over 40 years with my family. We have brought up our 3 children and now our grandchildren. My intention is to listen and respond to your issues so we can continue to enhance our diverse community.

Good governance and accountability
I will focus on increasing governance and accountability on how council operates and spends your money! I have over 40 years of successful business, Board and community volunteering experience.
As a self-funded, independent candidate I am not beholden to any political agenda.
I have been approved as an endorsed candidate by Ratepayers Victoria Inc

Vision for the future
I want to help residents adapt to a post Covid world, ensure money is spent on projects that directly benefit our community and make a commitment to actioning residents concerns.
I want to work with the other elected Councillors to develop a clear plan for our great city and support all residents young and old.
I would love your support in this upcoming election.
Vote 1 - Sam Parasol
Time for Positive Changes!